Privacy & Security Policy

We value your privacy. Below are some questions you may have regarding your privacy during transactions with NBI.

  • Are my online purchases secured?
    We incorporate security measures to insure the safety of any financial information you provide during your registration or purchase process. Please remember that email communication directed to us will not be secure unless otherwise noted.

  • What will you do with the personal information I give to you?
    We take great care to protect your personal information. We protect the information you submit to us internally and share it only with appropriate and authorized personnel. We can assure you that your information is used only for marketing and communication purposes. If you have submitted your contact information and would like to opt out of future mailed or emailed communication from NBI, please contact us at Please put "Remove From Email", "Remove From Brochure" or "Remove From Both" in the subject line.

  • Will you sell, rent, or exchange my name with any outside company?
    We respect your right to privacy and will not distribute or sell your personal information to any outside company or entity.

  • When I visit your website, do you capture personal information such as my email address?
    NBI uses a web server that automatically recognizes and collects the domain name of your internet provider. This does not include your personal email address.

  • Will you share my name with continuing education credit associations?
    NBI may verify individual attendance of our live or web produced events, upon request from authorized accreditation agencies.

The privacy policy specific to NBI, Inc., and the divisions with which it holds, is effective as of May 1, 2019. NBI reserves the right to make additions and changes to any portion of the stated privacy policy. Please review this page periodically to remain apprised of our current policies and practices.